I've been making things for sale for about 2 years now. I have had success on a small scale, but I want to expand.
I know that my stuff is good, because when people order from me they don't order a bow or two, they order crazy numbers -- 15, 20, 32 -- those are actual numbers from orders that I've had.
People tell me that they like my stuff, and with the order sizes that I get, I know that they do.
I'm ready to branch out and start selling to people that I don't know.
I thought that giving donation baskets to local schools would help me branch out. Sadly, I never got anything from the donations that I gave, and I would donate HUNDREDS of dollars of my products each time I was asked for a donation.
I've contemplated doing an Open House, but again, that would mostly be people that I know. If someone brought a friend or two, I may get one or two new contacts, but I need to reach farther.
I think the next level of sales is going to have to be a craft fair. The thought gets me nervous for two reasons.
First, I once did a show. It was a fundraiser for a shelter for women and children. I was so excited. I created and created and created. I worked like a crazy lady to get things ready. I had bows, clippies, headbands and beanies with flowers, and bling bead jewelry. I had a neighbor come with me to keep me company and help with sales. I did ZERO in sales that day. How disappointing was it that I worked for WEEKS to get ready for this and didn't sell one thing.
Second, I have not really seen bows on children around here. Maybe it's because there is not anyone is this area that sells them. I've seen a few here and there, but they are awful. They look like they were grabbed off of a hook at Dollar Tree.
My products are not expensive. I even had a friend help me to price them. She made me raise my prices because she said that what I was charging was barely covering costs.
So that's it. In writing this I've talked myself into doing a craft fair, and I know when my first one will be. I will be reserving a space, under the pavillion, at the Sixth Annual Fox Lake Sping Festival of Crafts in Titusville on April 2. I have about 9 weeks to work on my doodads to have a good stash to bring with me.
I'll have to do updates, and include pictures, to keep me on track.
Ooh...the butterflies just started.
Do it .. do it... Your Click Its are awesome.
Thank you, thank you CraftBizMom. :o)