Wednesday, January 26, 2011

To Craft Fair or Not to Craft Fair...That is The Question

I've been making things for sale for about 2 years now.  I have had success on a small scale, but I want to expand.

I know that my stuff is good, because when people order from me they don't order a bow or two, they order crazy numbers -- 15, 20, 32 -- those are actual numbers from orders that I've had.

People tell me that they like my stuff, and with the order sizes that I get, I know that they do.

I'm ready to branch out and start selling to people that I don't know.

I thought that giving donation baskets to local schools would help me branch out.  Sadly, I never got anything from the donations that I gave, and I would donate HUNDREDS of dollars of my products each time I was asked for a donation.

I've contemplated doing an Open House, but again, that would mostly be people that I know.  If someone brought a friend or two, I may get one or two new contacts, but I need to reach farther.

I think the next level of sales is going to have to be a craft fair.  The thought gets me nervous for two reasons.

First, I once did a show.  It was a fundraiser for a shelter for women and children.  I was so excited.  I created and created and created.  I worked like a crazy lady to get things ready.  I had bows, clippies, headbands and beanies with flowers, and bling bead jewelry.  I had a neighbor come with me to keep me company and help with sales.  I did ZERO in sales that day.  How disappointing was it that I worked for WEEKS to get ready for this and didn't sell one thing.

Second, I have not really seen bows on children around here.  Maybe it's because there is not anyone is this area that sells them.  I've seen a few here and there, but they are awful.  They look like they were grabbed off of a hook at Dollar Tree.

My products are not expensive.  I even had a friend help me to price them.  She made me raise my prices because she said that what I was charging was barely covering costs.

So that's it.  In writing this I've talked myself into doing a craft fair, and I know when my first one will be.  I will be reserving a space, under the pavillion, at the Sixth Annual Fox Lake Sping Festival of Crafts in Titusville on April 2.  I have about 9 weeks to work on my doodads to have a good stash to bring with me.

I'll have to do updates, and include pictures, to keep me on track.

Ooh...the butterflies just started.